Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Third and Final Indiana Jones Surpasses Them All

I've reviewed the first two Indiana Jones movies, and after watching the third of the series, the "Last Crusade" is the best of the lot. Like "Raiders of the Lost Ark," the story is full of mystery and adventure set against the backdrop of the evil Nazi empire. It's a race against the bad guys who seek the power of the Holy Grail, the cup which Christ was said to have used at the Last Supper, for their dastardly purposes. In this movie, we meet Jones' father, Dr. Henry Jones and gain some insight into young Indy's childhood. We also learn how he developed the fear of snakes and his expertise with the bull whip. The banter between Ford's and Connery's characters are fun to watch. You really believe they're father and son. Their relationship is strained to being with, but their reunion becomes more complicated as Jones tries to rescue his father from the clutches of the Nazis in Berlin. No easy task for sure. As we saw in "Raiders," those with evil intent, are not destined to possess the treasures of God. In the climactic scene, Jones must retrieve the correct Holy Grail in order to save his father's life. He chooses well, of course, but it is not the destiny of the Nazi Empire to acquire it as the grounds around the holy site is destroyed. The Nazis don't realize or refuse to acknowledge that no one is allowed to remove the cup from its final resting place. Throughout the movie we see Jones traipse through Europe to find his father with his Egyptian sidekick Sallah, as well as museum curator Marcus Brody. Unraveling the mystery behind the Holy Grail and the path to its resting place make this movie exciting and put you on the edge of your seat. Casting Sean Connery as Jones' father was brilliant. He has the perfect temperament to be the curmudgeony, yet charming Dr. Henry Jones. I highly recommend "The Last Crusade" as worth spending your hard earned money on a ticket and popcorn.

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