Monday, March 16, 2009

"Ghost" is a Beautiful Love Story

I love romantic love stories, so when I heard "Ghost" was a tale of love between a man and a woman I was all for it. It didn't occur to me that the "Ghost" referred to one of the main characters who ends up murdered early on in the movie. What a bummer. I love happy endings, which you could argue there was in this movie. But to me, a happy ending shows the couple riding off into the sunset. However, I decided to give "Ghost" a chance, and was pleasantly surprised. The premise of the story is one of greed and deception, which results in the untimely demise of Sam (Patrick Swayze), one half of the beautiful, loving couple. He was betrayed by his close friend and colleague, Carl, who Sam believed was a loyal and honest friend. Sam has the code to the accounts at the bank which Carl needs in order to launder money. A "mugging" occurs to retrieve Sam's wallet which has the code, but ends tragically. Sam is now a ghost and discovers that Carl is desperate to get the code and believes Molly (Demi Moore), Sam's girlfriend, has it in her apartment. Sam has to protect her but cannot find a way to communicate with her now that he's a ghost.
In steps Whoopi Goldberg as Oda Mae Brown, a "spiritualist." She is able to hear Sam, and he convinces her to help him protect Molly. Goldberg is absolutely perfect as the disbelieving and unwilling sidekick/partner to Swayze. There are some great scenes between Swayze and Goldberg as he persistently seeks her help. In the end, Molly believes that Sam is present even though she cannot see or hear him. There is a beautifully touching scene when the two say good bye. And of course,the good guys win and the bad guys lose. Despite the fact that Sam and Molly are separated forever, you walk away with a feeling that everything will be all right. It's worth checking out, especially to catch Goldberg at her best.

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