Sunday, January 4, 2009

SWAT -- Non-Stop Action

I watched the movie SWAT with my son the other day. I was a little nervous because even though he is a teenager, I don't like him watching movies with mature themes. Unfortunately, many action movies contain gratuitous scenes of sex and also have a lot of bad language. I don't mind violence. I mean we all love seeing gun battles. But I could really do without some of the other stuff.
That's why SWAT is go good. There is no nudity or "mature" scenes. Yes, there is a lot of cursing, but as my son pointed out, real cops do curse a lot. Let's face it. Today, kids have heard every word in the book even before they become teenagers, so I wasn't that alarmed.
What I really liked about SWAT is the action. Almost from the time the film starts, we get one fast paced action scene after another. The movie starts with the SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) squad responding to a bank robbery. The bank robbers have taken hostages and are threatening to kill them. The police want to negotiate. Two SWAT members, T.J. and Gamble, have other ideas. They decide to drop down from the roof and shoot the bad guys. In the fight, a hostage is shot by a SWAT member. The result is that both SWAT team members get in big trouble. T.J. agrees to hang up his gun and work in the equipment room. Gamble, who thinks he was right about the decision to disobey orders, leaves the force.
A new commander picks T.J. as part of his new squad. Soon, T.J. is back in action fighting the most dangerous criminals. Of course, it is no surprise when we see that Gamble has gone bad. Everyone knows that the final scene will be a fight to the death between T.J. and Gamble, but we still love to see it.
SWAT is a great film. However, one word of warning. It is not a "date" film so don't even think about it. Take the guys, not a romantic interest.

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