Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Beauty than Beast

I will freely admit that I, an adult of middle age, enjoy watching Disney movies. It's a guilty pleasure I have. If you look at it objectively, you have to concur that these animated movies are beautifully done. Those in charge of the script took pity upon the parents who will have to schlep their children every year to a movie theater to watch these movies by adding humor adults can appreciate. Even the songs are catchy! So recently I revisited the magic of "Beauty and the Beast." Here is a heroine, Belle, young girls can emulate. She's a young woman who loves to read and to learn. She's also a devoted daughter to her father. The story unfolds as a concerned Belle searches for her father who's late returning from an errand.
Belle shows much courage as she confronts a beast who has imprisoned her father. The Beast agrees to release her father, but in exchange, Belle must remain his prisoner. Over the course of time, Belle discovers that there's more to the Beast than meets the eye. Along the way we're treated to some amazing and creative songs which capture the moment and help illustrate the story. And what would a heroine be without her sidekicks? The ready, willing and able army of a "tea cup," "teapot," "candlestick", and "clock" aid Belle in "battle." These characters help round out the beautifully animated love story of one beauty and a beast. I know I won't give anything away by saying that the story has a happy ending. I highly recommend watching "Beauty and the Beast" with your children. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I proudly proclaim to be a fan!

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