Sunday, February 1, 2009

Star Trek Nemesis Packs a Punch

Star Trek fans everywhere will be very satisfied with the latest "Next Generation" movie. Starfleet's tenuous relationship with the Romulans is tested after a change in their government's power. A new Praeter named Shinzon has taken control and extends his hand in peace to Starfleet. Captain Picard is ordered to meet Shinzon and evaluate his bona fides. On a personal note, Commander Riker and Counselor Troi finally tie the knot. "About time" is all I can say. The traditional Betazoid wedding ceremony is postponed while the Enterprise makes a detour to Romulus. While traveling through a sector of space, Worf detects a positronic signal much like Data's. Worf, Data and Captain Picard venture to the planet's surface and discover a dismembered android who's a clone of Data but not as intellectually enhanced as Data. Picard meets Shinzon, a Reman leader who heads the Romulan government, and discovers he's a younger version of himself. Picard wants to believe in Shinzon's sincere wish for peace between Starfleet and the Romulans but he remains skeptical. Scans of Shinzon's ship reveal thalaron radiation, a deadly weapon banned by all species. The Commander realizes Shinzon is not on a mission of peace, rather a mission of annihilation. He will stop Shinzon from achieving this goal at any cost. I will not reveal the sacrifice which was made at the end to destroy the Scimitar, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I shed a few tears. Star Trek Nemesis follows the great tradition of past Star Trek movies with its awesome action sequences and its wonderful characters. There's nothing like watching Data, Worf, Picard, Riker, LaForge, Troi and Crusher illuminate the big screen.

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