Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Foul -- but Fun -- Movie

Looking for a movie that provides comedy, romance and humor? Look nofurther than "Foul Play." I love the chemistry between Goldie Hawn andChevy Chase. It's a shame these two actors only collaborated one moretime (Seems Like Old Times). In "Foul Play," Chase and Hawn play adetective and librarian, respectively, who become involved in anassassination plot and find romance along the way. Why shouldn'tcomedy/mystery movies have a fairy tale ending?
Goldie Hawn first sees Chevy Chase at an engagement party but is notimpressed at his fall, which is vintage Chase. As Hawn driveshome, she picks up a stranger who experienced car trouble on the road.His name is Scotty, and he arranges to meet Hawn at a movie the nextevening. He asks her to hold on to his cigarettes. But unbeknownst toHawn, he slips in a microfilm container. When the two meet the nextevening, Scotty collapses from a gunshot wound but managed to whisperto Hawn, "Beware of the dwarf." Chaos ensues as Hawn tries to convincethe theater manager that there's a corpse in the seat next to her.Nothing is amiss in the theater. Hawn returns home only to find thattrouble has followed her. Enter Chevy Chase who is the detective incharge of Hawn's case. He's immediately drawn to her even though herstory appears farfetched with disappearing corpses, intruders, and adwarf.
Eventually Chase comes to believe Hawn and the two discover adiabolical assassination plot, which is to take place at theperformance of "Madame Butterfly" in San Francisco. The chase scenethrough the historic hills of the Golden Gate City are awesome. Twounsuspecting Japanese tourists go along for the ride as Hawn and Chasecommandeer a taxi to reach the theater in time to stop theassassination.
You'll appreciate the excellent comedic talents of Hawn and Chase, aswell as the supporting characters in "Foul Play." Dudley Moore has ahysterical cameo as an amorous orchestra conductor. You cannot gowrong with this very enjoyable comedy which also includes an excellentmystery component. So sit back with a bucket of popcorn and prepare tolaugh from start to finish.

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