Thursday, June 12, 2008

An Alien that is Here to Stay!

Five stars go to the movie "E.T." which has become aclassic. Steven Spielberg is a genius at engaging an audience from theget-go. You cannot help but fall in love with E.T. and his humanfriend Elliot. This unlikely pair: an alien and a 10? year old boyforge an unbreakable bond as Elliot tries to help his friend return tohis world. What child hasn't fantasized about discovering themysteries of outer space and aliens? And to think that Elliot actuallybefriended one!
The movie opens with a space ship landing in a forest close to asuburban town in Anywhere, USA. A sole alien is left behind during amad rush to escape humans who discovered their presence. Elliot'shouse becomes the hideout for this homeward bound alien. Elliotencounters the alien one evening. He's intrigued by the creature afteran initial scare. Who wouldn't scream after discovering an aliencreature in your backyard? Once the shock was over, Elliot lures thealien or "E.T." as he calls him, to his room. Over a period of time,the alien learns English from watching TV and the two grow close infriendship. Comic antics ensue as Elliot hides E.T. from his mother,but unable to keep him a secret from his brother and sister, theybecome willing allies in protecting E.T.
Elliot realizes that E.T. longs for home. He cannot stay with hishuman friend forever. Elliot resolves to help E.T. "phone home" so hecan return to his "people." Unfortunately the "bad guys" (officialgovernment officers) discover E.T.'s existence and want to study theircaptive. Elliot knows E.T. will perish if he's not released. Elliot,his siblings, and several friends mount a rescue operation and deliverE.T. to the exact location where him spaceship will retrieve him. Thetouching farewell scene is sure to melt the hardest of hearts.
This classic appeals to any age or gender. The amazing technical teamwho created the E.T. did an amazing job with his facial features. Hisexpressions and emotions make you believe this creature is real, andmake you believe that all aliens could be as cuddly and lovable asE.T! I strongly urge you to watch E.T. as a family and experience thewonderful magic of Steven Spielberg's "E.T."

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