Wednesday, June 27, 2007

This Movie Bugs Me

I had assumed that any movie made by William Friedkin is going to be good. Although its been forty (hmm...., now I am starting to feel old) years since he made the Exorcist, that film is such a classic that you should give his new feature a shot. His latest, the one worded "Bug" may be worth a look... if you are really bored and have a lot of time on your hands.

Don't worry about waiting on long lines or that the cinema will run out of popcorn. Fans are simply not flocking to see Bug. Can we really blame them? The plot line is a bit weird. Ashley Jud plays a woman living in a motel wondering where her child is. She meets a new love who is perfectly normal except for one little thing. He thinks that the government has implanted tiny bugs under his skin.

Now he never really says why he believes the government would do such a thing, but he believes it, she believes it, and some members of the audience may believe it. But wait, these two wacky characters are not enough to amuse us. Friedkin has to throw in Ashley's crazy former husband. Did I mention he just got out of jail and is hoping for a reunion? You can see how much fun this movie can be.

To be quite honest, I preferred the movie "Ants" to the movie "Bug." If I am going to go to a movie named after tiny creatures which really annoy me, I will pick the lesser of two evils. Ants are a lot less threatening than bugs.

Hey, here's a good idea. just rent "The Exorcist" so your impression of Friedkin will remain positive


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