Sunday, May 27, 2007

Stripes: Still Funny After All These Years

There are certain movies that stand out in my mind as some of the funniest ever made. It doesn't matter whether they are old or new. These are movies that you just have to chuckle when you watch them. One of my all time favorites is the movie Stripes.
Stripes stars Bill Murray and an ensemble cast, including John Candy and Eliot Gould. The film is filled with memorable scenes. When Candy explains to another soldier why that other soldier has to always make his bed ("Because that's what they do in Italy. The guy on the bottom makes the guy on the top bunk's bed. Now if we were in Africa, I would be making your bed.") Who can forget the "graduation" scene when Murray leads his rag tag band on a hip hop version of the military parade "Have you men completed your training?" "That's the Fact, Jack!"
Yet Stripes is more than just a group of zany guys trying to get through a stint in the Army. The movies reveals that guys like these, the unsung heroes of the world, are the true patriots. They are the ones willing to sacrifice life and limb for country (and maybe a pizza). So yes, the high tech truck that Murray takes for a joy ride is a bit much, but maybe the head writer was sick that day.
Anyway, it may no longer be the Cold War, but if it's cold outside, go rent Stripes and it will warm your heart. Not quite a romantic comedy, but not really a war movie either. It's just something in between.
And anyone want to tell me what the hand mixer was used for should send me an e-mail.

1 comment:

John said...

the hand mixer must be some variation of the aunt jemima treatment that you do with the spatula.