Monday, March 24, 2008

Rachel Wood's Bad Year

Woods has had a bad year. No, not Tiger Woods. He has had a great year. In two seasons he may break the all time major victory record. No, don't worry about Tiger. He will be fine. The one that I am worried about is the actress Rachel Woods.
If you read one of the earlier reviews, she stars in that horrible waste of time called the movie "Crossing the Universe." Just when her career could not get any worse, she "stars" in the "King of California." The "King" makes "Crossing" look like Oscar material.
So here's the plot. I hope I give enough away that you won't go see it. You will thank me later. A mental patient wanders the streets of L.A. looking for gold that he is convinced is buried under the local super market. Sound exciting? Yeah, right. Well, just as we are gritting our teeth watching this poor fool bumble around, we find out that he has a daughter. Played by the tragic figure of Ms. Woods.
Woods plays a character who works at McDonalds during the day and helps her mentally ill father search for buried treasure at night. That's it. Sounds like a winner, I know.
I wish I could write more, but there's nothing more to say. This movie may sound like "The Fisher King" with Robin Williams, but don't kid yourself. That was a classic movie. I would rather watch Williams than Woods even if she sat beside me and gave me free popcorn.
Rachel, please. Read the scripts before you say "yes." Help yourself and help all of us. Now as far as Michael Douglass, this is his 1,000 film so he couldn't care less what I write. So I am giving him a break in this review. (Although he is really bad!)
O.K., so I didn't really give him a break.