Monday, October 15, 2007

Be Brave: See the Brave One

I really like "The Brave One." This movie really moves. It has all the action you need, but the way Jodie Foster has created and developed her character, this is more than just a slam, bang film.
Foster produced, directed and stared in this film. For those of us who have been fans of Foster's art for years, this is her best yet. She plays a successful radio personality. She has everything going for her. She is popular, has a great job, and is in love. Yet one night all her dreams are shattered. She is brutally attacked and her love is killed. Instead of tracking down the killers, the police throw up their hands and she is left alone to seek justice.
I know, I know. I can hear you all saying "hey this is nothing new. We have heard the same plot over and over again." And if this film was just "Dirty Harry" in a dress, I would agree with you. But it's not, take my word for it.
By having the main character as a woman, the film flows differently than if Cliff Eastwood was running through with his .357 magnum. She constantly questions herself, wondering if she can handle the task that she knows she must. In the end, we are really wonder, can she do it? Is she strong enough? I don't want to spoil the ending for you so I won't tell you. Just go see this film.
I spoke with Foster about the film. Here is a secret. Originally, her character was a newspaper reporter. She told me she decided to switch to a radio personality so that her tragedy would be open for the whole world to see and, of course, she would have that much added pressure on her shoulders.
Between us, I think she made the right choice.